The Role Of Apologetics In Youth Ministry

blog post title: the role of apologetics in youth ministry

Do I even need to give the verse? I mean, we get it. 1 Peter 3:15. Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope within you (paraphrased). But sometimes I wonder if apologetics in youth ministry is less about students sharing and and less about them knowing. Sometimes I wonder if incorporating apologetics […]

Evaluating A Youth Ministry Curriculum

There are an endless supply of youth ministry curriculums on the market. How do you evaluate which one is the best fit for your ministry? Check out this podcast episode from Student Ministry Conversations to learn some best practices for evaluating and utilizing curriculum in your ministry!

What Ads Teach About Teaching

Have you ever seen those annoying YouTube ads? What the ads are selling probably depends on what you’ve been searching on the Internet lately. Whenever I go on a health and fitness kick, I’ll typically start seeing ads for workout programs or dietary supplements. And the thing I’ve noticed about those ads is that they […]

Keeping Students Engaged During Messages

PROBLEM It’s hard keeping students engaged during a whole message, isn’t it? That’s probably part of the reason youth pastors have historically spent so much time on interactive elements and funny videos. Now don’t get me wrong. Incorporating interactive elements into a message is a good and healthy part of communicating to teenagers. It’s important, […]

Lean Into The Problem

One of the coolest things about growing up in the generation I grew up in has been watching counseling become a mainstream thing. I feel like I’ve been able to watch very closely as culture has gone from brushing off counseling as an extreme solution for crazy people, to a normal and healthy habit in […]