Building A Resilient Youth Ministry

Group of teenagers and adult leaders at youth group linked arm in arm

This time of year four years ago, we were just beginning to discover that what we initially thought would be a few weeks of the world shutting down was actually going to drag on for much, much longer. None of us had ever experienced anything like COVID, and the rate of innovation on how to […]

Don’t Put Work Over Worship

It’s fall. Fall is busy. Fall is crazy. Fall is when you put in the work. Because fall is when you’ve got events and curriculum and leader trainings, and this fall will be the season where you figure out how to finally win the war against sports. And in the midst of all that we […]

Dealing With Failure In Ministry

Lately, I’ve been engrossed with the reality that in the gospel, your story matters. Like, part of what makes the gospel of Jesus Christ so beautiful and captivating is that it meets you right where you are in your story. Wounded by the absence of your dad? The gospel is where you find the fullness […]

Why Being Better Isn’t Better

Do you believe the Word of God? Seems like a simple, straight forward question with a predictable response in return – coming from people who are giving their lives to the proclamation of scripture. But, let’s be honest. Culture is subtly yet constantly filling our ears with the messages of: do better. try harder. be […]