Viral Series

4 weeks helping students understand and leverage their influence.


4 weeks helping students understand and leverage their influence. When your students see infuence through the lens of the gospel, they’ll value consistency over convenience, they’ll share their story, and they’ll ask good questions.

Video Messages Included


Week 1 (John 3:26-30 NLT)

Intro: We can all agree it’d be pretty cool to go viral. But for those of us who really crave that, what we’re really craving more often than not is validation. That’s not always a healthy motivation.

Truth: For John the Baptist, his motivation for going viral wasn’t validation—it was influence. He wanted to influence people toward Jesus. When your validation comes from your Father (like John’s did), it frees you to influence your followers.

The Point: It’s not about me

Week 2 (Acts 2:42-47 NLT)

Intro: One of the hardest parts about maintaining influence is that it requires consistency.

Truth: The early church didn’t have a lot of resources, but they maintained and even grew their influence in the world around them because they consistently cared for one another. Their response to the message of God’s consistent love toward them was consistent love toward one another. And the same Spirit driving them toward consistency in caring for one another is the same Spirit living in you.

The Point: When going viral isn’t about you, you’ll value consistency over convenience

Week 3 (John 4:28-30, 39-42 NLT)

Intro: As much as we love stories and recognize the effect they can have on other people, we’re often too scared to share our own story. We’re either afraid of being rejected, or we’re afraid we’ll mess up the Jesus part.

Truth: The woman at the well understood both of those fears more than most. And yet her response to the work Jesus had done in her heart was to go and attempt to influence others toward Jesus. And her community was SO MUCH better off for it.

The Point: When going viral isn’t about you, you’ll share your story

Week 4 (Luke 2:41-47 NLT)

Intro: One of the flaws that sometimes comes with trying to be an influencer is coming off like a know-it-all. So how can we influence differently?

Truth: Middle school aged Jesus modeled what it looks like to influence from a place of humility when He asked good questions in the Temple. Despite being the all-knowing God of the Universe, Jesus gave others opportunities to speak and share what they know and have experienced.

The Point: When going viral isn’t about you, you’ll ask good questions